Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Survivor: One World, Ep. 8

Tarzan might have actually done something clever in the last episode. The island's resident MD and great observer of the human condition, Tarzan, noticed Chelsea's utter loathing of him.  And, Tarzan asked Chelsea whether she had a bias against plastic surgeons because she wasn't satisfied with the work she had done [in other words: Chelsea, if you were satisfied, maybe you shouldn't be? (BURN!!!)].

Intentional or not, I think this had a disconcerting effect on Chelsea.  Much of psychology is bull, but it ain't all bull.  No one likes to hear a criticism of their appearance. But, one thing that's been demonstrated time and again is that very attractive women, who are used to hearing compliments, are unusually affected by a putdown. Sure enough, later in the episode, Chelsea made the first real blunder of the game - discussing strategy with Jay in front of Christina and Alicia.

Did Tarzan's needle cause Cheslea's blunder? Did Tarzan get in her head?  Or, am I grasping at straws by suggesting there's a connection?

It seems like the blunder set off things that were not shown.  For example, Alicia and Christina voted for Tarzan.  It's as if Chelsea and Kim are telling Troy and Jay: don't worry - look! - they are voting on their own, we don't have an all-girls alliance!

While speaking in front of the wrong people was a blunder, I think the decision to target Mike at this stage is a serious strategic error.  There is a core of four women (Chelsea, Kim, Sabrina and Kat), who can go one of two ways: (a) stick with all-girls (Alicia and Christina) or (b) stick with the new Salani (Mike, Jay and Troy).  Why make a decision on that now?  Why not just vote out Tarzan and Leif, and then make the decision.

Here's the problem for the four girls.  They just raised some major red flags.  Troy and Jay voted with them, but they were already VERY uneasy about the alliance.  There are still 10 people left - so, there are enough bodies to make a move against the core four!!!!  So, why raise the flags now?  If you voted out Leif and Tarzan and did a blindside at eight, when the seven staggered back to camp after tribal council, there simply would not be enough people left to move against the four.  As is, there are two decent opportunities to unite against the four (at ten and nine).  So, I think targeting Mike now could be a major mistake.

P.S.  No one has done more to give plastic surgeons a bad name than Tarzan.

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