Sunday, March 13, 2011

Survivor: Redmption Island, Ep. 4 - Kick 'Em When They're Down

Correct me if I'm wrong, but once Russell had finished weeping after losing to Matt in the Redemption Island duel, did I hear Ralph mock him? Was Ralph ridiculing somebody who was out of the game for good? Furthermore, did Ralph actually reveal to the other tribe that he had a hidden immunity idol (and possibly hung his own neck), just so he could rub it in Russell's face a little bit more? Finally, back at camp, did Ralph (and others) actually ridicule Russell in front of Russell's former allies? Do they really think humiliating the other players is how you win this game?

Why would Ralph mock Russell? My guess is out of fear. I think the guys on Zapatera were completely intimidated and afraid of Mr. Hantz, hence they did everything they could to get rid of him. However, the fear isn't gone. That's why they continue to ridicule him even when he's out of the game. The preview for next week showed Zapatera becoming unglued. It's not hard to see why. Even though they've dominated in the challenges, the men are uncertain and afraid, and without Russell to focus on, they may lash out at each other. This tribe has thrown a challenge, revealed their hidden immunity to the other tribe, provoked Russell into revealing the core alliance, and publicly mocked other players. It's an ugly group. Sarita and Dave seem to be the voices of wisdom, but they advocated throwing the challenge, and the preview showed them fighting next week. What a mess. And, this is the tribe that's "winning."

Did anyone really think last night's vote was up in the air? They tried to sell that Rob might not be in full control of who was going home, but I didn't buy it. His alliance might turn on Rob eventually, but there were no signs of it happening last night.

I was way too hard on Matt last week. I mistook his serenity as a lack of passion. The fact is that he doesn't panic in these challenges, which is why he has won them both. I said he didn't look like he could go on a run - I retract that. I think he can.

Do you think Ometepe wished they had Matt in yesterday's immunity challenge? They lost it cutting through the boards. I bet Matt would have been more valuable in that spot than Philip. But, at least they had a good reason for voting Matt off - he did shake the hand of someone on the other tribe. If they lose a couple of extra immunity challenges, I'm sure it still would have been worth it.

If Ometepe goes into a merge down members, they are going to need some Zapatera people to flip (Stephanie & Krista?). Rob is doing a good job of getting rid of smart players on his tribe, but if they keep losing challenges (which is likely), they are going to need the help of smart players from the other tribe. These people will have no loyalty to Rob, and will hang his neck once the Zapatera core has been dispatched. That could be a tricky spot for Rob, but there's no doubt he's doing extremely well so far (aside for voting off Matt so early).

P.S. Mike, I don't care when the last time you thought about sex was. Keep it to yourself.

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